Zeiss Opmi Visu 200 Ophthalmology Microscope

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State of the art ophthalmology microscope with effortless maneuverability

The Zeiss OPMI Visu 200 Ophthalmology Microscope is a versatile unit mounted on a mobile stand for maximum positioning abilities. Clinicians can easily customize the OPMI Visu 2000 for a variety of surgical workflows. For more information, contact an Avante representative today.


  • Apochromatic optics provide brilliance, definition and contrast.
  • Maximum image quality, minimum eye fatigue.
  • Red reflex light is rich in contrast, low in reflections — perfect for eye surgery.
  • Versatile microscope can be tailored specifically to your needs by changing the magnification, lamp brightness, zoom, focus and X/Y speeds.
  • Effortless positioning with simple locking button design.
  • Motor speeds for XY and focus are dependent on the current magnification.
  • Main and assistant’s microscope work independently.
  • Mobile floor stand has large casters and a convenient handle for easy maneuvering.

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